Resume Writing Tips in 2022



The job market is ever-changing, and your resume is an essential tool to make a good impression on potential employers. Whether you’re just starting your career or looking to make a change, it’s crucial to keep your resume up-to-date and reflect on the skills and experience most relevant to the positions of interest.

Here are some tips to help you update your resume and stand out from the competition in 2022:

Tailor the resume to the Job Description

When applying for a job, tailor your resume to the position. Hiring managers are looking for specific skills and experience, so you’ll want to highlight the expertise and keywords that are most relevant to their opening. You can customize your resume objective or summary statement and include relevant keywords throughout your work history section.

If you have little experience in the field, look for transferable skills from other jobs or activities that can apply to the role. Even if a position doesn’t seem directly related to the desired position, there may be some relevant skills you gained.

For example, suppose you’re applying for a sales position and have experience working as a waitress. In that case, you can highlight customer service skills, upselling techniques, and the ability to handle challenging customer interactions.

Stick With a Classic Format

There are different schools of thought on whether it’s better to stick with a tried-and-true format or get creative with the design regarding resume writing. Yes, you want to stand out. But not so much that an unusual layout puts off the person reviewing your resume.

Most recruiters prefer a clean, straightforward format that’s easy to scan. Use clear headers and section dividers to organize your information, and stick to a traditional font like Arial or Times New Roman.

If you want to get creative, try using subtle design elements to make your resume more visually appealing. Adding a pop of color or choosing an elegant font for your name can help your resume stand out without being over the top.

Good Luck!